Where to buy:
Way To Grow!
Cultivating the Weeds, Daisies, and Orchids in Your Organization
By Linda Galindo
Effectively allocating time and coaching to employees can be one of the biggest challenges faced by leaders today. Think of your employees as a garden full of orchids, daisies, and weeds with yourself as the gardener whose job it is to nurture them to full bloom. Way To Grow! will help you determine who needs your time and why. It will help you maximize employee confidence, self-empowerment, and organizational success!
Linda Galindo is one of the most dynamic and knowledgeable organizational consultants on the scene today. As founder and president of Galindo Consulting Inc., Galindo has earned the trust and deep respect of CEOs, executives, and managers for her ability to facilitate the development of high-performance teams. She delivers direct, solid management consulting content, along with a dynamic, engaging presentation style.
With more than 25 years of experience in cultural competence, change management, leadership development and cultural assessment to her credit, Galindo is welcomed into every aspect of organizational development. Additionally, her work in creating cultures of accountability and mutual respect is utilized in every level of organizations from the boardroom to information technology departments in multinational corporations.
A gifted keynote speaker, Galindo possesses enough energy and vitality to light up an auditorium for 90 minutes. Among her most popular presentations are: “The Power of What You Don’t Know,” “The Change Challenge,” and “Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!”
As an executive coach, she teaches executives how to develop the qualities that make better leaders. Her one-on-one program enables her clients to consistently uphold the business values their organizations hold dear. Galindo conducts seminars and retreats for hundreds of participants annually. Her most frequently requested seminars include: “Personal and Organizational High Performance,” “High-Performance Accountability,” “The Everyday Leader,” and “From Gen-X to Geri-X: Working with Generational Differences in the Workplace.”
To see a full list of services, visit www.LindaGalindo.com.

Online: Amazon.com
Wholesale: Ingram Content Group
Print ISBN: 978-0-9860997-7-9
LOC: 2017940261
Print Price: $12.95
Pages: 76
Trim: 6” x 9”
Kindle ISBN: 978-0-9860997-9-3
Kindle Price: $9.99

Katie Mullaly
Surrogate Press