Surrogate Press was born from an idea that author and publisher, Katie Mullaly had about creating a new paradigm for bringing a book to market. A new way to publish and share your story. A system where you control your work, your profits, your direction, and she provides the platform, the know-how.
As the author and publisher of the highly successful Inner Atlas children’s book series, along with her other titles in her Faceted Press publishing house, Katie knows first-hand the challenges, huge learning curve, the effort and costs, and the risks, along with the reward and fulfillment of bringing a book, a passion, into the world.
The Surrogate Press publishing model is new to the industry, where instead of the publishing house taking most of the profits and doling out a small percentage to the author, it takes no profits or royalties after the book is published.
This isn’t the first time Katie Mullaly has created a whole new model or business. In all the positions she’s held over the past twenty years, Katie has rarely stuck to job descriptions. Crafting new opportunities and programs from scratch, she consistently created positions for herself that didn’t exist before. Whether it was starting as a receptionist and quickly evolving into/creating a position where she helped formulate sub-surface mining maps at a coal mining consulting firm, or developing and managing the Summit County Health Department Emergency Response Program (where she served as Public Information Officer and Emergency Response Coordinator for nearly 14 years), Katie has always done things her way, a new way.
This ingenuity carried over into her educational pursuits as well. Katie has a BS in Science Communication, a degree she created at the University of Utah. She followed that up with an MS in Professional Master of Science and Technology, where again she crafted most of her own program, going beyond the typical curriculum boundaries to fulfil her desired educational outcome.
The culmination of her education, experience, random array of skills, and passion for mindfulness (along with an intense drive to live her purpose) became her children’s books and Faceted Press, and now Surrogate Press. Katie teaches a class on how to self-publish a children’s book and that morphed into a book on the same topic. Snowflake coloring books are also part of her catalogue thanks to her tapping into her every-flowing creative current.
Surrogate Press also came about as a manifestation of Katie’s true desire to help people find their purpose. And once again, she has crafted her own niche and is thrilled to have other authors join her.
You can find Katie in Park City, Utah where she has lived since 1988. During this time, she has been a ski instructor, gourmet food store manager, waitress, mountain bike competitor and coach, a karate competitor and coach, and continues to enjoy all that Park City has to offer.
Feel free to contact her with questions or submissions:
Katie Mullaly
Owner & Publisher
We would love to hear from you.