Where to buy:
The Ultimate Pinewood Derby Experience
Making the Most of Four Wheels, Four Nails, a Block of Wood, and Your Kid
Plus: Ten Great Tips for Building a Faster Car
By Dr. Barlow L. Packer
Given the high-tech world in which we raise our kids, this book is a pleasant diversion. Focusing on intangible life lessons, it teaches, shares, and strengthens parent-child relationships through building and racing a Pinewood Derby car. Dr. Packer highlights valuable character traits any parent hopes their son or daughter will develop and shares how to encourage those values through experience. But beyond all that, you will also learn how to build a faster Pinewood Derby car.
Dr. Barlow L. Packer began practicing dentistry in the Salt Lake City area in 1970. Prior to entering private practice, he graduated from the University of Utah with a BA degree in psychology and a minor in Japanese. He then graduated from Northwestern University Dental School in 1968 after which he spent two years on active duty as a Captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corps during the Vietnam conflict. While engaged in his private dental practice, Dr. Packer spent hundreds of hours in post graduate continuing education and the study of diet and nutrition. He recently retired from private practice and is now an Associate Professor of Nutrition and an Attending Clinical Instructor at the University of Utah School of Dentistry.
Dr. Packer’s second career (writing) focuses on a variety of simple, but important, aspects of everyday life. You can find other books he has written on Amazon.com. In addition to his love of teaching and writing, two of his favorite toys are a custom Seven carbon fiber road bike and a pair of Soul Seven downhill skis, which he still uses often, summer and winter. Dr. Packer believes that in life, the later years need not be inferior to the early years.
Contact Information: barrypacker@comcast.net

Online: Amazon.com
Wholesale: Ingram Content Group
Print ISBN: 978-1-947459-06-9
LOC: 2017958540
Print Price: $12.95
Pages: 90
Trim: 6” x 9”
Kindle ISBN: 978-1-947459-11-3
Kindle Price: $5.95

Katie Mullaly
Surrogate Press